
Being active board members at the Council of Textile and Fashion (AFC), MTK are dedicated to fostering future growth. They've partnered with a.bch (among others) to create Circular Sourcing, a dedicated reselling platform for excess and deadstock fabrics.
With 87 years of experience under their belt, the Victorian mill showcases the exceptional quality of the local textile industry.
MTK manufacture the merino wool for our basics collection.

Lp Garments——澳大利亚
他们通过 Ethical Clothing Australia 认证
Lp Garments 为我们打造了基本系列。

奥塔哥针织品 - Aotearoa
Otago Knitwear 制作了我们的美利奴羊毛便帽、美利奴羊毛上衣和美利奴羊毛毛衣

袜子制造商 - Aotearoa

他们的织布厂位于澳大利亚历史最悠久的羊毛和纺织品制造区之一的中心地带。自 1920 年成立以来,他们的工厂一直是生产优质羊毛面料的基地,当时它被成立为 Geelong Returned Sailors and Soldiers Woollen & Worsted Co-operative Manufacturing Company。
Geelong Textiles Australia 生产我们的毯子。

美利奴国际 - 澳大利亚
我们在大洋路沿线的洛恩工作室使用升级回收和滞销面料手工制作所有 Barn Find 单品。

Fox & Lillie
Founded in 1948, the Fox & Lillie Group is a prestigious Australian agribusiness, captivating the world of wool, aquaculture, and seafood trading. With an unwavering commitment to breaking barriers in the industry, Fox & Lillie connects wool producers, processors, and consumers through their knowledge and expertise. Their extensive network, built over 75 years, intertwines the story of the woolgrower and the end user. With integrity, foresight, and an exceptional team, Fox & Lillie has become a benchmark in the luxurious Australian wool industry.
Fox and Lillie supplied the yarns to MTK for our basics collection.